

SOURCE :     TIME: 2020-09-15

E-mail: [email protected]


11/2015-      Associate Professor Law School, Jilin University

05/2015-09/2018  Post-doctoral Fellow KoGuan Law School, Shanghai Jiaotong University

10/2015-      Research Fellow  Centre for Law and Society, Shanghai Jiaotong University

01/2016-      Member  Collaborative Innovation Centre of Judicial Civilization

01/2016-      Council Member & Assistant Secretary General Association for Jurisprudence in Jilin Provence

05/2016-      Council Member    China Society of Comparative Law


11/2009- 04/2015  Ph.D of Social Science   Major: Sociology of Law   Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris-Saclay, France

09/2009- 06/2015  Ph.D of Philosophy      Major: Legal Philosophy   East China Normal University, Shanghai, China (P.R.)

09/2006 - 06/2009  Master of Law Major: Constitution and Administrative Law   East China Normal University

9/2007 - 06/2009   Master of Social Science   Major: European Study Joint program between Ecoles Normales Supérieures (ENS Group, France

                                                                            and East China Normal University (ECNU, China)

09/2001 - 06/2005  Bachelor of Law Major: Law East China Normal University


Law and Society, Philosophy of Law, Comparative Law;

Legal Reasoning in Judicial Decisions, Law and Social Theory (focus on Habermas, Foucault and Latour), Paradigms of Law and Society, Family  Justice in Gender Perspective, etc.


·The Role of CPC Regulations in Chinese Judicial Decisions: An Empirical Study Based on Published Judgments, The China Review, Vol. 19, No. 2 (May 2019), 69–97.

·Social Movements and the Construction of Rights: The Marriage Equality Movement in Chinese Taiwan (2016-2017), (in Chinese). Journal of Human Rights(人权研究),Vol. 21, 2019.

·The Development and Transformation of French Legal Sociology: A Reference to the Paradigm Disputes of Legal Studies in China, (in Chinese), The Jurists (法学家), No.1, 2018.

· The Role of Discourse Analysis in Judicial Studies: An Investigation in Terms of Rationalization of Judicature, (In Chinese), ECUPL Journal (华东政法大学学报), No. 2, 2018.

·Paradigm Advances of Sociology of Law: From Conflict/Consensus Model to Legal Sociology of Argumentation’”, (In Chinese), Peking University Law Review (北大法律评论), Vol. 18, 2017.

· Confucian Rationality, Public Sphere and Political/Legal Deliberations in Traditional ChinaA Comparing Study with Habermas Discourse Theory of Law, (In Chinese), Nanjing University Law Review (南京大学法学评论), No. 1, 2017.

·Between Julius Caesar and Citizens: the ideological motivations of the evoluation of French constitutional review system, (In Chinese), Renmin University Law Review (人大法律评论), No. 2, Vol. 21, 2016.

·Seeking for Middle-range Theories: On the Empirical Dimension in the Study of Habermas Discourse Ethics, (In Chinese), Journal of East China Normal University Humanities and Social Sciences (华东师范大学学报), No. 1, 2015 (Vol. 47, Sun No. 237), pp. 39-47.

·English-Chinese translation:On the relation between secular liberal state and religious” (Habermas), Fudan Review of Political Philosophy (6), Shanghai People's Publishing House, 2015.

·“Informal Deliberation over a Highly Publicized Case in Weibo Space of China: Process, Influences and Quality”, in Deliberation and Democracy: Innovative Processes and Institutions, (Warsaw Studies in Politics and Society, Vol. 3) edited by Stephen Coleman, Anna Przybylska, and Yves Sintomer (Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2015), pp. 41–56.

·French-Chinese translation: “Institutional Justice and Democratic Justice”, Justice (8), ed. Xu Xin, Xiamen University Press, 2013.

·French Politics Reviews on the Year of Presidential Election (in Chinese), China Reform, 05/2012

·Taiwan Political Reviews around the Elections of 2012, (in Chinese), China Reform, 03/2012

·Chronicle of Foreign Administrative Law (in Chinese), deputy managing editor, China University of Political Science & Law Press, 05/2009


·2019.7 University of Cologne, Germany, International Conference on “Big Data and Chinese Courts”.

·2018.11 Oxford University, UK, “Jilin University - Oxford University” Philosophy and Social Sciences Interdisciplinary Young Scholars Forum

·2018.10 Stanford University School of Law, California, USA, International Junior Faculty Forum (2018 IJFF).

·2018.8 Changchun, Jilin University, the 2nd International Symposium on “Big Data and Judicial Studies”.

·2017.10 Hong Kong, Chinese University of Hong Kong, International Symposium on “Big Data and Judicial Studies”.

·2016.9-12 University of Calgary, Canada, visiting scholar.

·06/2015 Trainee, Qualitative Methods in the Study of Chinese Politics: History and Ethnography, Harvard-Yenching Institute and Nanjing University Training Program, Nanjing, China.

·Speaker, “Confucian Rationality, Public Sphere and Political/Legal Deliberations in Traditional China”, Summer school of Renewing Theory in an International Frame, 25-27 September 2014, Université d'Aix-Marseille, France.

·05/2013 Keynote Speaker: Case Studies on the Influences of Online Public Deliberations over Chinese Judiciary: in a Perspective of Legal Linguistics” (in Chinese), Legal Forum, Department of Law, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China.

·03/2013 Presentation: “Rationality and Power: the Microbloggings (weibo) space in China as a New Political Public Sphere”, The Third East Asian Law & Society Conference, Shanghai Jiaotong University.

·01/2013 Presentation: Power System and Weibo Public Sphere: Online Public Deliberations of Yao Jiaxin Case and Wu Ying Case, Ninth Annual Graduate Seminar on China, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

·06/2012 Presentation: “The Influences of Public Deliberations over a Highly Publicized Case in China: Structural Interactions among the Judicial System, Public Opinions and the Power System in New Media Era”, International Conference of Deliberation: values, processes, institutions, Warsaw University.

·07/2011 Member with scholarship, The Chinese Political Sociology Workshop, Renmin University Chicago University, Beijing, China.

·04/2011 Presentation: The Discourse Theory of Law of Habermas and the Social Justice in China, The Second Si-mian Graduate Interdisciplinary Seminar, East China Normal University, Shanghai China.


Mandarin as mother tongue, Fluent English and French, Some Cantonese.

Prev an article:  LI Yongjun