

SOURCE :     TIME: 2020-07-02

Name: Deng Yong


Email[email protected]

Research interests: Traditional legal culture, Culturology of law


From 1996 to 2009, he studied in Jilin university and received a bachelor of laws, a master's degree in legal history and a doctor's degree in legal theory. He mainly studied the legal spirit of the Chinese legal system. He used to be the editor of Contemporary law, and is now a member of China society of legal history.

For many years(2002-2020), he has believed in Chinese culture, worshiped the ancient and modern sages, dabled in the study of the heart and psychokinesis, and sought for the quintessence of culture. In 2008, he was invited to attend the international academic seminar "Chinese history through law" in South Korea and participated in the discussion as the keynote speaker.


1. On the core cultural spirit of the Chinese legal system and its historical operation -- an analysis of the QingLi mode in the legal life of the ancients, Law Press, 2010.

2. On the QingLi field in Chinese ancient legal life, Law and Social Development 5( 2004).

3. The significance and two reflections on the direction of Chinese jurisprudence, Law and Social Development 3(2006).

4. The current situation and future of research in China about the QingMing Collected works, [Korea] The Journal of Chinese Historical Researches 43 (2006).

5. Interpretation of legal culture on" Confucianism and rule of law, [Korea] The Journal of Chinese Historical Researches 53 (2008).

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