

SOURCE :     TIME: 2020-06-24

Name:Zhu Jie

Position:Associate Professor of Law

Email:[email protected]



Ph. D. of Law, Jilin University, China, 2005-2011

MA in Law, Jilin University, China, 2002-2005

BA in Law, Jilin University, China, 1998-2002

Teaching and Working Experiences

Associate professor of law Sep. 2013-Date

Lecturer of law, Jilin University, Jul. 2009-Sep. 2013

Assistant Professor of Law, Jililn University, Jul. 2006-Sep. 2009


Journal Papers

1. Zhu Jie, “The Plight and Outlet of Insurance Supervision in China”, Journal of Northeast Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), Vol. 11, 2013.

2. Zhu Jie, “Reflection on and Improvement of the Legal Rules Concerning the Use of Insurance Fund”, Contemporary Law Review, Vol. 5, 2013.

3. Zhu Jie, “System of Insurance Supervision: Overseas Evolution and Development in China”, Academic Exchange, Vol. 5, 2013.

4. Zhu Jie, “Transformation and Construction of the System of Insurance Supervision in China from the Perspective of Institutional Evolution”, Seeker, Vol. 12, 2012.

5. Zhu Jie, Xu Weidong, “Technical Discussion of the Legal Regulation of Corporate Social Responsibilities”, Academic Exchange, Vol. 12, 2012.

6. Zhu Jie, “Betterment of the Regulation Structure of Insurance Companies”, Social Science Front, Vol. 6, 2012.

7. Zhu Jie, “On the Development of Trust Fund for Equity Investment”, Journal of Northeast Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), Vol. 7, 2011.

8. Pufendorf, Zhu Jie, Wei Hongfa, (trans.), On the Duty of Man and Citizen, Jilin People’s Publishing House, 2010.

9. Zhu Jie et al., Insurance Law, Peking University Press, 2010.

10. Zhu Jie, “On the Trust Obligation of Enterprise Directors”, Journal of National Prosecutors College, Vol. 4, 2006.

11. Xu Weidong, Zhu Jie, “On the Trust Obligation of Directors”, Commercial Law Review, Vol. 9, 2002. Indexed by Civil and Commercial Law of Renmin University, Vol. 2, 2003.

12. Peng Chengxin, Zhu Jie, “On the Institutional Design for the Inner Balance of Mortgage”, Contemporary Law Review, Vol. 4, 2002. Indexed by Civil and Commercial Law of Renmin University, Vol. 1, 2003.

Conference Papers

1. Zhu Jie, “Overseas Land Trust and Risk Control”, Annual Meeting of CITIC Securities and China State Farms Co., Beijing, 2016. 12.

2. Zhu Jie, “Legal Analysis of Land Loans in Jilin Provicne”, Annual Meeting of Financial Law Society, Jilin Province, Changchun, 2016. 10.

3. Zhu Jie, “Trust and the Processing of Financial Capital”, Moganshan Economic Forum, Hangzhou, 2016. 09.

4. Zhu Jie, “The Trust Framework of Property as Equity”, Annual Meeting of Trust Law Society, Shanghai, 2016. 05.

5. Zhu Jie, “On the Immunity in Crowdfunding”, Annual Meeting of Business Law Society, Xi’An, 2016. 04.

6. Zhu Jie, “On the Standard of Legitimacy of Financial Innovation”, The Third Annual Meeting of Business Law Society, Jilin Province, 2015. 11.

7. Zhu Jie, “On the Feasibility of Land Trust in China State Farms”, Conference of Innovation in Land Circulation, Harbin, 2014. 07.

8. Zhu Jie, “On the Amendment of Trust Law”, Conference of the 10th Anniversary of Trust Law, Beijing, 2012. 09.

9. Zhu Jie, “On the Legitimacy of the Right of Contractual Management of Land as Trust Property”, Conference on Trust and Land Circulation, Beijing, 2009. 09.

Funded Research Grant Proposals

1. Construction of the System of Financial Supervision in Jilin Province, Funded by Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Science, Jilin Province

2. Countermeasures and Institutional Design of Funds for Equity Investment in Jilin Province, Bureau of Science and Technology of Jilin Province.

3. The Challenges Confronted by the Financial Enterprises of Jilin Province and Relevant Legal Regulations against the Backdrop of the Global Financial Crisis, Funded by Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Science, Jilin Province

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