Name: Wen, Shuangge
Position:Professor of Law
Email:[email protected]
Research interests: Corporate law and corporate governance, and general aspects of business law and interdisciplinary areas including business ethics and insolvency law.
Profile: Professor Shuangge Wen used to work at Swansea University and the University of Liverpool. She joined Jilin University School of Law in late 2014. She currently holds positions in a number of international academic institutions, including director of the China Commercial Law Academy, member of the European Association of Law and Economics, member of the UK Higher Education Academy, and member of the UK Society of Legal Scholars. She has published widely in top international journals including Stanford Journal of International Law, American Business Law Journal, European Business Organization Law Review, Hong Kong Law Journal, Journal of Law and Society, and Business Ethics: A European Review. Acting as Principal Investigator (PI) or Co-PI, she has also successfully secured a number of research projects and grants. The international impact of her work has been evidenced by publication citations in multiple countries, including the US, the UK, Canada, Germany, France, Finland, Sweden, and South Korea.
Research Monograph
S Wen, Shareholder Primacy and Corporate Governance in the UK – Legal Aspects, Practices and Future Directions (2013, Oxon: Routledge).
Journal Articles
l “The Bumpy Road of Home States’ Regulation of Globalised Businesses – Legal and Institutional Disruptions to Supply Chain Disclosure”(2020) 69(1) Catholic University Law Review 125-162 (with J Zhao) (SSCI);
l “Contextualising Legal Norms – A Multi-dimensional View of the 2014 Legal Capital Reform in China” (2018) 19(1) European Business Organization Law Review 93-140 (with J Zhao) (SSCI);
l “The Eligibility of Claimants to Commence Derivative Litigation on Behalf of China’s Joint Stock Limited Companies” (2018) 48(2) Hong Kong Law Journal 687-738 (with J Zhao) (SSCI);
l “The Cogs and Wheels of Reflexive Law – Business Disclosure under the Modern Slavery Act” (2016) 43(3) Journal of Law and Society 327-359 (SSCI);
l “The Systematic Construction of the Autonomy of Industrial Associations under the Rule of Law Mode – Thoughts on Basis of the U.S. Ideals and Practice以法治推进行业协会自治的体系构建——基于美国自治理念和实践的思考”(2016) 10 Social Science Frontiers 190-199 (CSSCI) (in Chinese);
l “The Ideals and Reality of a Legal Transplant: The Veil-Piercing Doctrine in China” (2014) 50(2) Stanford Journal of International Law 319-358 (SSCI);
l “The Achilles Heel that Hobbles the Asian Giant – The Legal and Cultural Impediments to Antibribery Initiatives in China” (2013) 50(3) American Business Law Journal 483-541 (SSCI);
l “Less is More – A Critical View of Further EU Action towards a Harmonised Corporate Governance Framework in the aftermath of the Crisis” (2013) 12(1) Washington University Global Studies Law Review 41-93;
l “The Legitimacy of Unsecured Creditor Protection through the Lens of Corporate Social Responsibility” (2013) 8Journal of Business Law868-898 (with J Zhao);
l “Revisiting the Corporate Objective through the Economic Lens” (2013) 8 International Company and Commercial Law Review302-317;
l “Gift Giving, Guanxi and Confucianism in a Harmonious Society: What Chinese Law could Learn from English Law on Aspects of Directors’ Duties” (2013) Company Lawyer 381-388 (with J Zhao);
l “The Magnitude of Shareholder Value as the Overriding Objective in the UK – The Post-Crisis Perspective” (2011) 26(7) Journal of International Banking Law and Regulation325-338;
l “Exploring the Rationale of Enlightened Shareholder Value in the Realm of UK Company Law – The Path Dependence Perspective”, (2011) XIV International Trade and Business Law Review153-173 (with J Zhao);
l “Corporate Governance and the Financial Crisis: Did the Theories Stand the Test?” (2010) 25(10) Journal of International Banking and Financial Law 612-617 (with J Zhao);
l “Promoting Stakeholders' Interests in the Unique Chinese Corporate Governance Model”, (2010) 21(11) International Company and Commercial Law Review 373-385 (with J Zhao);
l “Revisiting the Scope of a Scheme of Arrangement - Insights Derived from Lehman”, (2010) 3(3) Bankers Law 20-28 (with J Zhao);
l “Institutional Investor Activism on Socially Responsible Investment: Effects and Expectations”, (2009) 18 (3) Business Ethics: A European Review 308-333 (SSCI).