
WANG Yanzhi

SOURCE :     TIME: 2020-06-19


Professor of Law, School of Law, Jilin University


[email protected]

Research Interests

International Economic Law

International Investment Law

International Law and International Relations

Private International Law

Transnational Commercial Law


Professor(September 2019-present), Jilin University School of Law

Associate Professor(September 2009-September 2019) , Jilin University School of Law

Postdoctoral Research Fellow(April 2011-April 2015), Xiamen University School of Law

Lecturer(September 2004-September 2009) , Jilin University School of Law

Teaching Assistant(July 1998-September 2004) , Jilin University School of Law


Jilin University, School of Economics, Ph.D. in Economics, December 2010

Jilin University, School of Law, Master of Laws, May 1998

Northeast Normal University, Library and Information Science Department, Bachelor of Science, June 1995


Books and Books Chapters

1. Public International Law: Guidance and Problem Sets(with HE Zhipeng et al)(Beijing: China Higher Education Press, 2019)

2. International Law in a Nutshell(with HE Zhipeng et al.)( Beijing: Law Press China, 2018)

3.The Oxford Handbook of Jurisprudence and Philosophy of Law,Chinese Translation (with DU Yanlin et al.)(Shanghai: Shanghai SDX Joint Publishing Company, 2018)

4.Principles of International Law(with He Zhipeng et al.)(Beijing: Higher Education Press, 2017)

4.Interdisciplinary Research on International Law and International Relations: Exploration and Prospect(with LIU Zhiyun et al.)(Beijing: Law Press China, 2017)

5.Neoliberal International Investment Law Regime: Rise, Structure and Change(Beijing: Law Press China, 2016)

6.Global Governance in Post-Crisis Age and Transformation of International Economic Law(with LIU Zhiyun et al.)(Beijing: Law Press China, 2015)

7.International Law(with HE Zhipeng et al.)(Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2014)

8.Private International Law, Second Edition(with LV Yanfeng et al.)(Changchun: Jilin University Press, 2014)

9.General Theory of International Economic Law: Public Law Principles and Adjudicative Methods(Wuhan: Huazhong University of Science and Technology Press, 2013)

10.Non-Governmental Organizations in International Law: Trends, Influence and Response(with HUANG Zhixiong et al.)(Beijing: China University of Politic Science and Law Press, 2012)

11. Textbook of International Economic Law Cases,Second Edition(coedited with WEI Jingjian) (Beijing: China Science Press, 2011)

12.International Law and the Environment, Second Edition, Chinese Translation(with NA Li et al.) (Beijing: Higher Education Press, 2007)

13.Private International Law(with LV Yanfeng et al.)(Changchun: Jilin University Press, 2007)

14.Innovation, Reform and Practise: Jilin University Teaching Reform Essays,Secondary Series(Jilin University Department of Educational Administration ed.)(Changchun: Jilin University Press, 2006)

15.WTO and Public Health(with NA Li et al.)(Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2005)

16.Textbook of International Economic Law Cases(coedited with WEI Jingjian)(Beijing: China Science Press, 2005)

17.Constitutional Functions and Constitutional Problems of International Economic Law, Chinese Translation (with HE Zhipeng et al.) (Beijing: Higher Education Press, 2004)

18.Regional International Economic Law(with LIU Shiyuan et al.)(Changchun: Jilin University Press, 2001)

19.International Economic Law(with WEI Jingjian et al.) (Changchun: Jilin University Press, 2000)

Jounral Articles

1. The Plural Models in International Investment Dispute Settlement Reform and China’s Options,25(4)J. Cent. South Univ. (Soc. Sci.)73(2019) (CSSCI).

2.The Decline, Revival and Rebirth of the Embedded Liberalism: Understanding the Changing International Economic Legal Order, 8 J. Int’l Rel. & Int’l L. 65(2018).

3. The Belt and Road Initiative and International Economic Law Innovation: Ideas, Institutions and Paradigms, 59(2) Jilin Univ. J.(Soc. Sci.) 74(2019) (CSSCI).

4.International Economic Order under "Belt and Road" Initiative: Development-Oriented vs. Rule-Oriented, 28(1)Northeast Asia F.78(2019)(CSSCI).

5.Treaty Interpretation on Public Health Protection in International Abitration: A Study on Applying Article 31,paragraph 3(c) of VCLT in the Case "Philip Morris v.Uruguay", 31(6)Contemp. L. Rev.149(2017)(CSSCI).

6. EU's Policy and Practice for International Investment Agreements in the Post-Crisis Era: Evolution,Innovation and Inspiration, 2016(6) J. Xiamen Univ. (Arts Soc. Sci.)137(2016) (CSSCI).

7.Bilateral vs Multilateral:An Explanation for Bilateralization of International Investment Law Regime, 6 J. Int’l Rel. & Int’l L. 270(2016).

8.The Listing Approach in the Reform of Fair and Equitable Treatment Clause in International Investment Law, 29(6)Contemp. L. Rev.147(2015)(CSSCI) (Reproduced by International Law, International Center for Social Sciences, RUC).

9.Global Governance Of FDI In Post-Crisis Era: Trends, Implications And Causes(with Wang Fei),5 J. Int’l Rel. & Int’l L. 168(2015).

10. Comment on India's New BIT Model Draft——Major Position Shift in the Shadow of White Industries v. India Case(with Wang Fei), 22(2)Chinese J. Int’l Econ.L.137(2015)(CSSCI).

11. Dilemma and Future of the Improvement of Fair and Equitable Treatment Clause-With Reflection on RDC vGuatemala Award, 21(4)Chinese J. Int’l Econ.L.51(2014)(CSSCI).

12. The Application of CISG to the Hong Kong SAR-Practice Divergence, Legal Analysis and Policy Option, 16(1)Wuhan Univ. Int’l L. Rev.127(2013) (CSSCI).

13.What are Contributions of International Law Scholarship?-On the Role of IL Scholarship in IL-IR Interdisciplinary Collaboration, 3 J. Int’l Rel. & Int’l L. 203(2013).

14.Shift of Status of China in International Investment Law, 27(4)Contemp. L. Rev.131(2013)(CSSCI).

15.Legal Analysis of Northeast Asia Investment Cooperation (with Hou Jing), 6 Capital F. Legal Sci.147(2013).

16.Comment on China-Japan-Korea Investment Agreement(with Hou Jing), 22 Int’l & Comp. L. Rev.(2013).

17.On the System of International Economic Law,2013(3) J. Party School  CPC Changchun Mun. Comm.27(2013).

18.Non-Governmental Organizations and Global Environmental Governance-An Disciplinary IL-IR Perspective,27(4)Contemp. L. Rev.131(2012)(CSSCI).

19.Abolition of Investor-State Dispute Arbitration-International Practice and China’s Position, 2012 Chinese Y.B. Int’l L.455(2012)CSSCI.

20.Interdisciplinary Scholarship of International Relations and International Law: Retrospect and Prospect by U.S. Scholars,2 J. Int’l Rel. & Int’l L. 275(2012).

21.Transnational Civic Regulation: The Role of Private Regulation in Global Economic Governance,11 Folk L.394(2012)CSSCI.

22.Analysis of Neoliberal International Investment Law Regime- An International Regime Perspective,1 J. Int’l Rel. & Int’l L. 124(2011).

23.Non-Governmental Organizations and Legitimacy of International Law, 2011(6) Orient. L.98(2011).

24.The Proper Law Theory of International Conflicts of Tort Laws(with Lv Yanfeng), 51(4) Jilin Univ. J.(Soc. Sci.)108(2011) (CSSCI).

25.Applicable Laws to International Torts: Changing Laws and Policy Considerations(with Lv Yanfeng), 2011(10)Soc. Sci. Front.209(2011).

26.Legalization of Investor-State Dispute Settlement: Achievements and Challenges,25(3)Contemp. L. Rev.15(2011)(CSSCI).

27.The Reform of International Investment Law System, 18(3)Chinese J. Int’l Econ.L.200(2011)(CSSCI).

28.What can International Law Contribute?: Opening the Black Box of International Institutions through Interdisciplinary Collaboration, 2010(11)World Econ. & Pol.113(2010)(CSSCI)(Reproduced by International Law, International Center for Social Sciences, RUC).

29.Legal Protection of State Contracts in International Law,24(6)Contemp. L. Rev.117(2010)(CSSCI).

30.Plural Approaches to Concepts of Transnational Public Economic Law: Comparisons and Reflections, 2010(3)Jiangxi Soc. Sci.29(2010)(CSSCI).

31.A Further Study on Cornerstone Categories of International Economic  Law Science: A Public Transnational Economic Law Perspective,15(5)L.& Soc. Dev.71(2009)(CSSCI).

32. Rethinking of the New International Economic Order and the Strategic Positioning of China, 16(3)Chinese J. Int’l Econ.L.112(2009)(CSSCI).

33.A Preliminary Exploration on Economic Analysis of International Economic Law, 16(1)Chinese J. Int’l Econ.L.226(2009)(CSSCI).

34.Umbrella Clause in International Investment Agreements, 2008 Chinese Y.B. Int’l L.295(2008).

35.Treaty Practices of the Umbrella Clause in Investment Agreements and its Basic Meanings,22(5)Contemp. L. Rev.50(2008)(CSSCI).

36. Civil Society as the Structural Foundation of International Economic Law System,14(5)L.& Soc. Dev.152(2008)(CSSCI).

37.Reflection on and  Reconstruction of International Economic Law Textbook System-A "Public Transnational Economic Law" Approach,21(1)Contemp. L. Rev.132(2007).

38.Economic Globalization, Sustainable Development and the Third Wave of International Investment Law, 13(3)Chinese J. Int’l Econ.L.179(2006)(CSSCI).

39. The Plural Perspectives for International Economic Law Theories(with Na Li),12(2)L.& Soc. Dev.61(2006)(CSSCI).

40.WTO and Public Health: An Emerging Worldwide Problem(with Na Li, He Zhipeng),2006(1)Acad.J.Zhongzhou79(2006).

41.Development Problems, Development Law Science and the United Nations Reform,19(5)Contemp. L. Rev.13 (2005).

42.Comment on Interpretations by WTO Appellate Body in the Shrimp and Shrimp Products Case(with Su Cuiping), 2005(2)Guangdong Peizheng Coll. J.(2005).

43.Constitutional Approach to International Economic Law,18(4)Contemp. L. Rev.45 (2004).

44.Non-Governmental Organizations and WTO Dispute Settlement Process(with Hao Xiuhui),9(6)L.& Soc. Dev.135(2003)(CSSCI).

45. Non-Governmental Organizations and International Economic Law, 7Chinese J. Int’l Econ.L.247(2003).

46.The Rise of Non-Governmental Organizations and the International Economic Law Crisis,8(2)L.& Soc. Dev.112(2002).

47.The Changing World and Chinese Law in the Twenty-first Century(with Su Cuiping), 2001(4)Changbai J.(2001).

48.The Changing International Investment Law and China’s Response, 5(2)L.& Soc. Dev.62(1999).

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