
TIAN Hongyun

SOURCE :     TIME: 2020-06-19

TIAN Hongyun, female, July 1979, the Director of International Law Teaching and Research Department of JiLin University, Ph.D. in Economics, the Professor of Law School of Ji Lin University, the Doctoral Supervisor, the Permanent Member of China Society of Private International Law, the Director of JiLin University Construction Center of SCO Internal Training Base, the Director of the Belt and Road Research Center of JiLin University Law School


Office Address: 2699 Qianjin Street, Changchun, Jilin, CHN.

Phone: (86) 189-43-17-12-19

Fax: (86) 0431-85166061.

E-mail: [email protected]


LL.B. Jilin University Law School, 2001

LL.M Jilin University Law School, 2004

LL.M Université de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, 2008

Ph.D. Jilin University Law School, 2009


Private international lawInternational commercial law


ChineseEnglish and French


1. The third prize of the Second Youth Teacher Teaching Level Competition of Ji Lin University, 2005

2. The excellence award of papers collection by Women’s Committee, 2006

3. The excellent teacher of law school, 2007

4. The model of “Three Educational Forms” of Jilin University, 2012

5. The prominent teacher in JiLin University, 2013

6. The prominent teacher in JiLin University, 2014

7. The model of “Three Educational Forms” of Jilin University, 2014

8. The outstanding achievement award (second) by Chinese Society of private international law, 2015

9. The outstanding communist of Jilin University, 2016

10. The outstanding communist of Jilin Province, 2016


Permanent member, China Society of Private International Law

Secretary, Institute of Comparative Law and International Law

Arbitrator, Changchun Arbitration Commission

Arbitrator, Guangzhou Arbitration Commission


• 2016 - present: Professor of law, Jilin University

• 2012 - 2016: Associate Professor of Law, Jilin University

• 2006 - 2012: lecturer of Law, Jilin University

• 2004-2006: Assistant Professor of Law, Jilin University

• Visiting positions: Université Paris-I (Sorbonne) (2007-2008);



1. The Present and Future of the Recognition and Enforcement of Civil and Commercial Judgments in Northeast Asian: From the perspective of the 2019 Hague Judgment Convention, Chinese Yearbook of Private International Law and Comparative Law (2019)

2. The Flexibility of Losing Control: the Application and Reflection of the Most Significant Relationship Doctrine in China, Social Science Front (2019)

3The USEU Games and China’s Choice :The Ratification of Convention on the Choice of Court Agreement, Jilin University Journal Social Sciences Edition (2019)

4. What Kind of Flexibility Do We Need: the Judicial Controllability Study of the Doctrine of the Most Significant Relationship, Chinese Yearbook of Private International Law and Comparative Law (2018)

5. The Problems and Solutions in the Implementation on the law of the Application of Laws in Civil Relations involving foreign elements in the Perspective of Big Data, 3 Social Science Journal (2018)

6. The Modification of Russian Private International law and Enlightenment for Our Legislation, 1 Contemporary Law Journal (2018)

7. Design Drawback of the Doctrine of the Most Significant Relationship and Its Perfecting Path in China, 2Journal of Northwest Normal University (Social Sciences) (2016)

8. Innovation of the Legal Practice Course in Medical Jurisprudence Curriculum System—from the Perspective of Moot Court Teaching, 1Journal of Educational Institute of Jilin Province (2016)

9. The Economic Perspective on the Doctrine of the Most Significant Relationship in the Practice of the Private International Law in China, 3Presentday Law Science (2016)

10. Linking and Improving the Regional Legal Education to Train Professional Ability—By the Example of the First Moot Court Competition in Northeast Universities, 24Development of Talent Resources (2015)

11. The Multi-angle Perspective on the Doctrine of the Most Significant Relationship in the Practice of the Private International Law in China, 18Chinese Yearbook of Private International Law and Comparative Law (2015)

12. The Comparative Study and Enlightenment of Environmental Public Interest Litigation Plaintiff Qualification to China, 19Environmental Protection (2015)

13. The Development of Applicable Law in Cross-Border Environment Tort and the Enlightenment for China, 22Environmental Protection (2014)

14. The Curriculum Design of Moot Court Teaching —By the Practice of Jilin University Law School, 10China University Teaching (2014)

15. The Progress of the Personal Training of Medical Law in 20 Years, 9Medicine and Philosophy (2014)

16. Legal Choice of Personal Interest VS Governmental Interest, 5Social Science Front (2013)

17. The Environmental Arbitration Systems of the Developed Countries and the Enlightenment for China, 1Environmental Protection (2013)

18. The Predicament of Economic Analysis of Private International Law, 6Journal of Jilin University (Social Sciences) (2012)

19. How to Claim against the Legal Liability of ConocoPhillips? 1 Environmental Protection (2012)

20. Cooperation or Competition?—The Economic Predicament of Legal Choice, 9Social Science Front (2011)

21. Beware of International Pollution Transfer—the Enlightenment for Japan Nuclear Contaminated Food Expert to China, 15Environmental Protection (2011)

22. The Comment on Analyzing the Problems of Conflict Law by Economic Methodology, 5 Contemporary Law Review (2011)

23. Retrospect and Rethinking on Education of Medical Jurisprudence, 8China Higher Medical Education (2011)

24. Rethinking on Japan Pours Radioactive Water into the Sea, 10Environmental Protection (2011)

25. Legal Analysis of the Concepts of Property Rights in the Coase Theorem, 2Journal of Northeast Normal University (Philosophy and Social Science)(2011)

26. Economics Analysis of the Dispute between “Rules” and”Standards” in Private International Law, 1Law and Social Development (2011)

27. A Study on the Countermeasures to Meet the Special Trade Safeguard Measures Concerning China, 7Economic Review (2010)

28. Commenting on Schools of Economic Analysis of Law, 7Academic Exchange (2009)

29. Comparative Analysis of Anti-dumping on Chinese Export of Disposable Lighter and Enlightenment for China, 12Economic Review (2007)

30. The Choice of the Teaching Methods of Private International Law and the Exploration of Educational Reform, 5Journal of Educational Institute of Jilin Province (2007)

31. A Research on the Countermeasures of Domestic Violence and Its legal Sanction, Research and Practice on Higher Education (the Research of Woman Theory)

32. Comparison between Legal System of Intellectual Property in EC and TRIPs, 1Journal of Baicheng Normal College (2006)

33. Commission on International Trade Law and Establishing the International New Civil and Commercial Order, 5Contemporary Law Review (2005)

Books and Textbooks

  1. Xie Di, Du Li, and Lv Yanfeng, Editor-in-Chief: Law and Economics, Science Press, 2009

2. Lv Yanfeng, Editor-in-Chief: International Private Law Course, Jilin University Press, 2007

3. Judicial examination counseling textbook International Law, China Legal Publishing House, 2006

4. Wei Jingjian, Editor-in-Chief: Case Study of International Economic Law, Science Press, 2005


  1. The Research Project on Judicial Exchange and Cooperation in the SCO (2018) - Project Leader

2. The Research Project on Judicial Exchange and Cooperation in the SCO (2017) - Project Leader

3. JiLin University Graduate Curriculum System Construction Project (2018) - Project Leader

4. The National Social Science Fund Project: Judicial Controllability of the Doctrine of the most significant relationship in the Implementation of Law on the Application of Laws to Foreign-related Civil Relations (2016) - Project Leader

5. The social Science Project of Ji Lin Provincial Department of Education: Judicial Application of the Doctrine of the Most Significant Relationship in Private International Law (2016) - Project Leader

6.The Social Science Project of Ji Lin Provincial Department of Education: The research on Controlled Law Practice Teaching System (2013)——Participant

7.The Social Science Project of the Health Department of Ji Lin Province: Research on the Training Mode of Medical Law Talents (2012)——Project Leader

8. JiLin Province Social Science Fund Project: Research on Legalization of Performance Evaluation of Jilin Provincial Government (2012) - Project Leader

9.The Social Science Project of JiLin Provincial Department of Education: The Legal Adjustment of International Investment in Changjitu Pilot Area for Development and Opening up (2011) - Project Leader

10. The National Social Science Fund Project:The Research on Expectation and Trust Protection in Contract Law (2010) - Participant

11.The School-level Project:the Judicial Application Study on the Doctrine of the Most Significant Relationship (2015) - Project Leader

12. The School-level Projects: the Major Controversy over the Resolution of Recent International Investment Disputes in the Context of the “Belt and Road” and the Position of China (2015) –Participant

13. The School-level Project: Ji Lin University Law Practice Teaching Database (2013) - Participant

14. The School-level Project: Economic Analysis of Private International Law (2011) - Project Leader


1. Visiting Scholar, Université de Paris, 2007-2008

2. Visiting Moscow and St. Petersburg in Russia, 2017

3. Visiting University of Maryland in the United States, 2018

4. Participating in International Law Seminar hosted by the American Law Society, 2018

5. Having a Short-term training at the University of Plymouth in the UK, 2018

6. Participating in “the Belt and Road Africa Forum” in three African countries

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