
  The discipline of law at Jilin University has distinct advantages and a complete range of subjects. It is authorized to offer doctoral degrees in first-level disciplines, which covers nine doctoral programs, as well as two interdisciplinary subjects (namely economic law and political law); and a postdoctoral research station in law. As regards second-level disciplines, there are ten Master of Law programs, respectively, jurisprudence, legal history, constitutional law and administrative law, criminal law, procedural law, civil and commercial law, intellectual property law, economic law, environment and resource protection law, and international law. Additionally, there are two Juris Master programs. All second-level disciplines are effectively covered by our Master of Law and Juris Master programs.

Subjects and Programs

1. Jurisprudence (LLM and PhD Programs):

Jurisprudence, Socio-Legal Studies, Comparative Law

2. Legal History (LLM and PhD Programs):

Legal History, History of Legal Thoughts

3. Constitutional Law and Administrative Law (LLM and PhD Programs): 

China Constitutional Law, Administrative Law

4. Criminal Law (LLM and PhD Programs):

China Criminal Law, Criminology, International Criminal Law

5. Civil Law and: Commercial Law (LLM and PhD Programs):

China Civil Law, China Commercial Law

6. Procedural Law (LLM and PhD Programs):

Criminal Procedural Law, Civil Procedural Law

7. Economic Law (LLM and PhD Programs):

Law of Market Control, Labor Law and Social Security

8. Environmental Law and Resource Protection (LLM Program):

China Environmental Law, International Environmental Law

9. International Law (LLM and PhD Programs):

Public International Law, Private International Law, International Economic Law

10. Intellectual Property Law (LLM and PhD Programs):

Copyright Law, Patent Law, Trademark Law

Notice and Announcement